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        Home/ News / Company Dynamic

        Provincial Party Secretary investigates Elite Optoelectronics

                On the morning of June 5, the Secretary of the provincial Party committee should Yong go deep into technology trading institutions, scientific research institutes, universities, enterprises and maker spaces to investigate scientific and technological innovation and the transformation of scientific and technological achievements.

               Ying Yong stressed that we should thoroughly study and implement general secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition on scientific and technological innovation, adhere to technological innovation as the first power to lead the high quality development, give full play to the advantages of Hubei's rich resources of science and education and the enrichment of human resources, so as to further promote technological innovation, deploy the innovation chain around the industrial chain, and layout the industrial chain around the innovation chain. Cultivate more industry leading enterprises and more "little giant" enterprises in subdivided fields to provide strong technical support for transforming the mode of economic development and promoting industrial transformation and upgrading. We should do a good job in the transformation of scientific and technological achievements, adhere to the demand orientation, based on market application, innovate systems and mechanisms, give full play to the functions of government, market and society, and promote the transformation of more scientific and technological achievements into real productive forces.

               We should strengthen the integration and linkage development of campuses, parks and communities, and promote the full connection between research and demand, achievements and enterprises.

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               Relying on the University's advantageous disciplines, the Science Park of Huazhong University of science and technology cultivates characteristic industries. The correlation between enterprises in the park and the University in project R & D and talent cooperation has reached 67.5%. Ying Yong listened to Li Yuanyuan, President of Huazhong University of science and technology, on the development of the park and the transformation of scientific and technological achievements, and went into Elite optoelectronics, an enterprise in the park to observe scientific and technological innovation and product production.

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               Ying Yong pointed out that it is necessary to strengthen the integrated and coordinated development of campuses, parks and communities, further strengthen opening-up and collaborative innovation, accelerate the development of science and technology finance, attract more market forces and social forces, including venture capital, and promote the full connection between research and demand, achievements and enterprises; We should concentrate resources and strength, strengthen key core technology research, and strive to seize the commanding height of science and technology strategy related to the long-term and overall situation; We should strengthen the division of labor and cooperation in the industrial chain and promote the deep integration of the innovation chain and the industrial chain.

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