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        Home/ News / Company Dynamic

        Elite optoelectronics comprehensively helps 5G new infrastructure

               After the initial results of epidemic prevention and control, Elite optoelectronics immediately organized the resumption of work and production in an orderly manner, actively looked for new opportunities in economic development and helped 5G new infrast.


               As a new infrastructure, 5G construction is an important direction with strong demand, which also drives more enterprises in the industrial chain to increase their production. After returning to work, Elite optoelectronics quickly returned to a busy state. During the epidemic, we moved our R & D work online, overcome difficulties and continued independent innovation.


               As the company's optical chip products for 5G construction have been imported in batches, the total amount of orders harvested in Elite optoelectronics has increased significantly year-on-year


               In the future, relying on 5G, cloud computing, big data, artificial intelligence and other innovative capabilities, Elite optoelectronics will provide high-quality and reliable products and technical services at home and around the world.

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