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        首頁/ 產品中心/ 光芯片Chip產品/ Detector/ PIN
        4*25G PIN PD chip

        The products CPD-PEBA#01 is a 1×4 InGaAs PIN phtodiode Array offering high resposivity, low dark current and low capacitance.

        • InGaAs/InP PIN Photodiode

          High responsivity at 1310 nm and 1550 nm

          Low dark current

          High Bandwidth

          RoHS Compliant

          Comply with Telcordia GR-468

          Small Device Dimension

        • Uncooled Operation in Industrial Temperature from -40°C to 85°C

          IEEE 100 Gigabit Ethernet

        ? 亚洲精品免费永久免费,91香蕉嫩草,都市激情 古典武侠,色777777女人色,A级黄片电影