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        首頁/ 產品中心/ 光芯片Chip產品/ Laser/ DFB
        1310nm 25G DFB chip

        The products CLD-DEF0I are directly modulated 25Gbps 1310nm edge-emitting DFB laser diode chips with operating temperature range from -40°C up to 85°C. The design is a Ridge Waveguide on n-type substrate with multi-quantum well (MQW) active layers and gratings. These products utilize sophisticated cleaved facet technology and mirror coating processes, and regular codes printed on the top surface of each chip for identification purpose. All the laser chips come from the certified wafers which must achieve an acceptable yield for burn-in, aging tests, and each shipped laser chip is fully screened.

        • 1310nm Wavelength

          Low Threshold Current

          High Output Power Efficiency

          Ridge Waveguide Edge Emitting Lase (EEL)

          RoHS Compliant

          Compliant with Telcordia GR-468

        • Optical Ethernet

          Fiber Channel

        ? 亚洲精品免费永久免费,91香蕉嫩草,都市激情 古典武侠,色777777女人色,A级黄片电影