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        Home/ News / Industry information

        Wuhan 5G construction press the fast forward key

               After the initial results of epidemic prevention and control, Wuhan City, which has fully resumed work and production, is constantly looking for new opportunities in economic development. One of the directions is to develop new infrastructure. At present, Wuhan has adjusted and expanded the original 5G base station construction plan, and the upstream and downstream industrial chain has also rotated rapidly. The 5G construction in Wuhan is pressing the "fast forward key".


              In a newly rebuilt 5G base station near the Yellow Crane Tower in Wuhan, Hubei Province, workers are adding antenna brackets to the tower poles. At present, two sets of 5G equipment have been added to this base station.

              Liu Shibao, deputy manager of Communication Development Department of China Tower Wuhan Branch: put this point into our list of 5G construction. With the deployment of 5G network, the automatic ticketing system of Yellow Crane Tower and its QR code scanning entry system have been able to operate normally, which can meet the needs of large-scale visitors during the May Day and 11 golden week.


              The staff told reporters that this year, the construction plan of 5G base stations in Wuhan has increased from 15000 to 20000, and they are also busy. Since the company resumed work on March 23, the number of 5G base stations they have newly started has exceeded 1500.

              Liu Shibao, deputy manager of Communication Development Department of China Tower Wuhan Branch: after receiving the new task, we immediately adjusted the whole project implementation plan, reserved a large number of materials, and sent a large number of construction personnel to recapture the time delayed by the epidemic and strive to complete the engineering tasks of the whole year.


              The strong demand for new infrastructure also drives more enterprises in the industrial chain to increase their production. In Wuhan, an enterprise producing and developing photoelectric products and intelligent equipment quickly returned to a busy state after returning to work. During the epidemic, they moved their R & D work online to overcome difficulties and continue independent innovation. Now, their total orders have increased by 40% over the same period last year, and the number of international orders for 5G optical modules alone has more than doubled.

              With the gradual maturity of 5G network, relevant applications are also accelerated in Wuhan. Just this month, China Unicom decided to locate its joint venture smart education company in Wuhan. In the future, relying on 5G, cloud computing, big data, artificial intelligence and other innovative capabilities, 5G distance education and other services will be provided to the whole country.

        Source: CCTV Headquarters

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