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        首頁/ 產品中心/ 電芯片產品/ Transimpedance Amplifiers
        10G Burst Transimpedance Amplifier

        It is a high sensitivity/low power dissipation/low noise burst mode limiting amplitude Transimpedance Amplifier (TIA) bare die, which supporting a single channel of 2.5Gbps/10Gbps rates. It is intended to offer careful RF matching of photodiode  for Class D 10G XGS PON-OLT applications.

        • Single channel bare die
          Low Power dissipation
          Dynamic input current
          Super-fast AGC/DC loop control
          Very low input referred noise density
          Single input, differential output

          2.5/10Gigabit Ethernet

        ? 亚洲精品免费永久免费,91香蕉嫩草,都市激情 古典武侠,色777777女人色,A级黄片电影